
Your Comments

40 thoughts on “Comments

  1. Congratulations committee members for setting up this website!

    Lots of valuable information and links, especially for those looking into revisionism for the first time. I’ll be spreading the word on the websites that I frequent.

    Thank you for all your efforts!

  2. great site with excellent information. Thanks to all of those who put this together and a special thanks goes out to Carolyn.

  3. 1916: President Woodrow Wilson declared January 27 Jewish Relief Day, not really new.

    Search youtube for: Auschwitz prozess krakau. It’s in German only, about the first Auschwitz trial on Krakau/Poland. Reporting 300.000 victims.

    • A. The first Polish Auschwitz trial was Hoess’ in Warsaw, earlier in 1947.

      B. 300,000 *registered* victims; for whose deaths the camps guards (it was known as the Guard’s trial) were held responsible. The Indictment states that a minimum of 3,000,000 were killed at Auschwitz, but these guards were not held accountable for the victims allegedly gassed.

  4. Please consider adding Francis Parker Yockey to your list of deceased revisionists who were persecuted. He first caught trouble for insisting on pointing out the torture and forced confessions of Nuremburg. The harassment throughout his life eventually lead to his ‘suicide’ while imprisoned under FBI watch in which he somehow managed to get cyanide.

    Good work on the site, I like it.

    • We don’t consider Francis Parker Yockey a holocaust revisionist. Heck, we don’t even consider David Irving, the historian, a holocaust revisionist.

      • “Heck, we don’t even consider David Irving, the historian, a holocaust revisionist.”

        This kind of idiocy annoys the hell out of me (of course I’m easily annoyed). Irving is a fantastic historian, has done 10 times what you have done to combat the hoax, unless you’re A. Butz or R. Faurisson, has suffered 10 times what you have suffered for fighting the hoax, unless you’re J. Graf or E. Zundel, and has said, “more people died on the back seat of Senator Edward Kennedy’s motor car in Chappaquiddick than died in the gas chamber of Auschwitz”. If that’s not good enough for you then to hell with you. This kind of asinine petty back-stabbing bickering, jealousy, self-righteousness, exclusivity, whatever, is entirely out of place in the revisionist movement.

        • Allan Davis,

          It was Germar Rudolf who complained, in the courtroom that sent him to prison for 2.5 years (he didn’t get out early, either), that David Irving was not a holocaust revisionist and he should keep his opinions to himself. Irving is a WWII historian, not holocaust. The two are not exactly the same. GR said Irving has never read the important revisionist books, doesn’t have the basic knowledge he needs, so therefore should shut up about it. And the four revisionists you have mentioned by name share Rudolf’s opinion of Irving.

          Irving is quite arrogant about his supposed superior brilliance, but it doesn’t extend to holocaust revisionism.

      • Here is the reality – anyone who fights the hoax and USES THEIR OWN NAME deserves our utmost admiration and respect. The hoax relies on the cowardice of the great majority of us, who are afraid to even reveal who we are. So for a coward like you to criticize Irving, or Weber, or anyone else you don’t deem worthy, from your anonymous perch behind your keyboard, is shameful.

  5. Rot in hell, you cunts.
    Rot in hell, you cunts.
    Rot in hell, you cunts.
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    Rot in hell, you cunts.
    Rot in hell, you cunts.

    • This comment from “Fuck You” is from a computer located in HaMerkaz, Israel, which I believe is in the West Bank illegal settlements area. Just thought we’d let readers see the best argument mustered so far against the accurate, reliable content presented on this site. 100 times.

      • I could have guessed as much given the demonstrated lack of maturity and civility. Oh, did I mention, the absence of any constructive (counter)argument.

      • Ben. Very talented, I admire your work. Great political and Cultural talent!! I’m honored to have you on our side!
        -(Clown World’s Truth Circus)

  6. Would it be possible to add another couple of days to honor the $35 Million Bucks for the Six Million Jews circa 1920 and also the billions of Jews exterminated by the Romans?

  7. GREAT IDEA AND RESOURCE . . .I love the website!

    “One of the saddest lessons of history IS THIS:
    If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject
    any evidence of the bamboozle.
    We’re no longer interested in finding out THE TRUTH.
    The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply too painful to acknowledge –
    even to ourselves – that we’ve been SO credulous.”

    -Carl Edward Sagan, (1934-1996) Jewish American astronomer

    In a November 22, 1944 letter to U.S. State Department officials about their visits the Red Cross said: “We had NOT be able to discover ANY TRACE of installations for exterminating civilians prisoners. This corroborates a report which we had already received from other sources. . .”
    USA Today, Friday, May 2, 1997 page, 14A

    • To Laydee Liberty and others whose comments may have been edited or not posted:

      This site is only about Auschwitz-Birkenau, not about the huge topic of “Holocaust” in general. This is purposeful and will be adhered to – the reason being to focus (force?) visitor’s attention on the truth or falsehood of the best-known single part of the Holocaust story: Auschwitz. If this part of the story is false, or questionable, then so is it all.

      Another reason is to not lose sight that January 27 marks the so-called liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, and that is the date used for the major International remembrance events. We don’t want the Industry to shift away from the liberation of A-B to the liberation of all camps on this date. The alleged “Holocaust” took place in specific ways, at specific locations and at specific times, not as one big event as is suggested by the false and misleading term, Holocaust.

  8. My sincere thanks for your informative site! I hope that your side is not sacrificed censorship. We in Germany are not free to talk about the topic of “Auschwitz”, which is why we look in foreign countries for suitable sources.

    Nevertheless, we try to do justice to the truth in which we explain by “law-abiding knowledge” as the opposite strategy of the “gas chamber temperature”:

    Good luck for the truth and free speech…
    (sorry for my rusted english)

  9. Write more, thats all I have to say. Literally, it seems as though you relied on the video to make your point.
    You obviously know what youre talking about, why waste
    your intelligence on just posting videos to your blog when you could be
    giving us something enlightening to read?

    • To addent – Who are you talking to? You need to name the page, or article, or video you’re referring to; otherwise, your words are meaningless.

  10. Re Vincent Reynouard’s bilingual video: The “Gas-Chambers” at the Nuremberg Tribunal:

    As a matter of principle one should always check astounding allegations.

    So herewith the references:

    The confirmation that the former Commandant of Auschwitz concentration camp, Rudolf Hoess, was tortured and beaten almost to the point of death by his British Army captors, in order to extract from him the admission of multi-million mass-murder, which was then presented at the victorious Allies’ Nuremberg Tribunal as “proof of the Holocaust” can be read in the book, “Legions of Death”, written by Rupert Butler, and published by Hamlyn Books, London, U.K., 1983; pages 234 to 238.

    In any proper court of law, confessions obtained under torture have no probative value.

    The German policeman, Gestapo agent, Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl, was the prime Prosecution witness at the Allies’ Nuremberg Tribunal and as such is the source of the allegation that the Germans murdered Six Million Jews during the course of the Second World War. Hoettl’s claim was accepted at the Allies’ Nuremberg trial on face value, and without any further attempt undertaken of an independent, objective, forensic examination of the charge, that the the Germans had committed a crime of such mass-murder.

    At a later date, after the hysteria of the war-years had abated somewhat, the U.S. officials responsible for handling their witness-agent, Wilhelm Hoettl, had time to reflect on the character of their prime prosecution witness. Let us be clear here: had Hoettl not played the role allotted to him at Nuremberg, then without doubt he would have suffered the same fate as many of his erstwhile colleagues: the hangman’s noose.

    Many years later, the reports of U.S. Intelligence agents relating to these events were made public. Herewith their confidential opinion of the said Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl:

    “Upon his arrest in May 1945, Hoettl played to the interests of his captors…”

    “Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl is a fabricator of intelligence information. His reports normally consist of a fine cobweb of fact, heavily padded with lies, conjecture and other false information.”

    “a man of such low character and poor political record that his use for intelligence activities, regardless of how profitable they may be, is a short-sighted policy by the U.S.”

    The prime Prosecution witness and source of the Six Million allegation revealed, at last, as such a “low character, dealing in lies, deceit conjecture and other false types of information”, that his use by the U.S., regardless of “how profitable it may be, is a short-sighted policy.”

    Of the Truth revealed, one can only say: Better late then never.

    For the revelations of Hoettl’s true character, see the Journal of Historical Review, of September-December 2001, Vol 20, no.5-6, pages 25-32.

  11. This wonderful site is a huge step forward in understanding what really happened in the camps.
    Might I suggest future additions that would help others come to grips with this alleged fraud.
    1. The biggest counterargument is “but the photos show…” Perhaps a tab should be added which shows the photos and provide a real (concise) analysis of what is depicted – including the crude photo shopping attempts and outright mislabeling (i.e. use of photo of burning bodies – those that were actually victims of Dresden bombing.
    2. The inclusion of a link (or pdf) to Int’l Red Cross three volume report on German internment camps, post war. In particular the highlighting of table outlining their estimates of camp deaths. (I have see this table around cyberspace, although nothing to prove its authenticity.
    3. Short list of questions that revisionist have about the camps, etc.
    4. Running list of debunked things (soap, lampshades) and list of recanting Nuremburg “witnesses” and fraudulent books, etc.

    Keep up the great work. The truth always rises to the top.

  12. How very exciting to have ones ideas untrammelled so effectively by just reading the contents of your website. Bravo to all you brave people

    • Irene Sendler is a real person (she’s been on TV, haha) but her story is highly dramatized, and liberally sprinkled with outright lies. She’s been made into a Jewish saint, like Elie Wiesel, so there’s no need for truth to come into the picture at all. She was married and divorced 3 times, for whatever that’s worth.

    • Yes. Well, the whole website got taken down through a series of mishaps, and we’re now in the slow process of rebuilding it without any backups! We should be focusing more attention on it soon to give it a more consistent look. I don’t think we have the very popular quiz though; we may not be able to replace it. Sorry.

    • We don’t have a way to donate money. Help by recommending the site to others and leaving links to it everywhere you can on the net. That’s what we need — FRIENDS!

      • I don’t know if you’re on X, but the former UFC fighter Jake Shields has a podcast and he’s asking if anyone knows a holocaust revisionist that is willing to be come on his show and be interviewed.
        I drop your link every chance I get. This site is a phenomenal reference source. I just figured if you have any ideas for people that wanted to go on his show and speak on behalf of the real victims of their holohoax. It would not be an adversarial interview. And it would be a good way to get the message out to a couple or few hundred thousand of his followers and shared from there. Thank you for your work, your time and energy.
        His link to the post asking for revisionists:

  13. May the great Lord Bless you and Keep you in His Light! As for me, I’ve been dropping your link everywhere I can. I’d like to get some “” stickers for the back of my cars to get your message out. Possibly even put them on the back of the vans in my fleet. I assume you’ll be sending an email verification. Hopefully I can contribute a humble donation to keep the research ongoing. God Bless you all!!

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