
Below you will find a number of videos that deal more or less strictly with Auschwitz.

Probing the Holocaust – The Horror Explained

Ernst Zundel: Schindler and Spielberg

Two films together: Ernst Zundel critiques the movie “Schindler’s List” for about 29 min; followed
by his guest appearance on “Truth for the Times” television with Pastor Peter J. Peters, discussing
“Swindler’s List,” the “Holocaust” in general, and Zundel’s own history and experience. 5-star rating.

Ernst Zundel interviews Juergen Graf

Ernst Zundel interviews Swiss revisionist Juergen Graf in 1994. Five stars!

David McCalden interviews Bradley Smith

David McCalden interviews Bradley Smith in 1984 during the False News trial in Ontario, Canada. Of
major historic interest.

Auschwitz: Surprising Hidden Truth

Dean Irebold’s well-known 2019 classic exposé of the Auschwitz ‘gas chambers’ myth.

Holocaust, Hate Speech & Were the Germans so Stupid? (Anthony Lawson)

A great film by everyone’s favorite video-journalist, Anthony Lawson, who has described himself as
a “stickler for truth. Perfect – it’s what revisionism is!

Les “chambres à gaz” au procès de Nuremberg (bilingue)

Vincent Reynouard condemns the judges & prosecutors at the Nuremberg Tribunal for failing to
ask how the “gas chambers” worked, and how they could dispose of almost 3 million bodies in so
short a time. In French with English subtitles.

Auschwitz – Media lies or the truth at last?

In Auschwitz, open your eyes and don’t listen to the guides!

How the tour guides cover up the more interesting details of the Auschwitz camp. Better to avoid
them and look around on your own.

Germar Rudolf exposes Auschwitz’s curated lies

Germar Rudolf narrates from the book by Carlo Mattogno enumerating the lies told to the public at the
Auschwitz Memorial Museum (former camp) in Poland.