Auschwitz as Religion
Is Holocaustianity Europe’s newest and biggest religion? By the committee
Some say the Holocaust has become the biggest religion in Europe, overtaking Christianity and taking over Christian symbols, doctrines and practices.
Several authors, especially the Italian writer Gianantonio Valli, have underlined that the present belief in the Holocaust is, in effect, a secular religion or “superstition.” Here are some of the ways the “Holocaust” uses similar iconography to Christianity, thus being able to supplant Christianity as a moral guideline by which to live.
CHRIST as the Savior sent to redeem the world is replaced by the “Chosen People” whom God has selected and given the mission to bring Justice and Righteousness to the “Nations” (the Gentiles).
THE CRUCIFIXION is superseded by the alleged “extermination” of the Jewish people as a collective “Messiah,” which is seen as a greater crime (sin) than the crucifixion of Christ (who was only one man vs. 6 million, according to Holocaustian thinking).
LAMB OF GOD is expressed in the total innocence of the “victims” of the concentration camps, whose guiltlessness should never be questioned. They are portrayed as being herded, unresistingly, into “gas chambers” and “open pits,” like sheep.
SATAN (THE DEVIL) is, of course, the “Nazis” (or Nazism). Forever evil, incapable of good, they are opposed to God’s Plan for his “Chosen Ones” to rule the world. The “Nazis” are portrayed as wanting to rule the world themselves.
The PRIESTHOOD is comprised of the Holocaust “historians” who determine the correct dogma (narrative) and explain it to the faithful, under the oversight of major Jewish organizations, eg. World Jewish Congress, B’nai B’rith, and too many others to list.
CATHEDRALS AND CHURCHES are the Holocaust Museums and Memorials, such as Yad Vashem, the U.S. Holocaust Museum, the Wiesenthal “Museum of Tolerance,” the Anne Frank House (plus the thousands of smaller ones sprinkled everywhere ). Also included are the former concentration camp sites, for example Auschwitz-Birkenau, Buchenwald and Dachau. These are all places where worship of the “victims” can take place in a protected setting.
HOLY DAYS are the various days of “remembrance,” which include Yom HaShoah (U.S. and Israel Holocaust Remembrance Day in the spring); 27 January Day of Commemoration for Victims of Holocaust; Anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, and others (some yet to be named).
PILGRIMAGES to the former German concentration camps, Jewish ghettos or wherever Jewish suffering is imagined to have taken place are made in a spirit of reverence and obligation.
SAINTS such as Elie Wiesel, Anne Frank, Simon Wiesenthal, Irene Sendler, and Yisrael Meir Lau become semi-mythological beings, and their stories are widely read and believed.
PROPHETS are the self-described “eye-witnesses” to the alleged gassings, murders and atrocities whose statements of what they saw and heard cannot be questioned. Examples: Filip Müller, Rudolf Vrba, Kurt Gerstein, Rudolf Höss, Olga Lengyel and others.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Children are taught the basic tenets of the faith from an early age in the schools, and given increasingly more complete indoctrination through upper grades and college level.
INQUISITION is carried out by the media, which follows the instruction of the enforcement arms of the Major Jewish Organizations. These enforcement arms include the Anti-Defamation League, the LICRA in France, and even the rogue Jewish Defense League.
EXCOMMUNICATION is pronounced against revisionist heretics who won’t repent, leaving them banned and excluded from receiving salvation (sacraments). Their name becomes anathema to those in good standing.
LEGAL PROSECUTION OF HOLOCAUST HERETICS is provided for in secular law codes to punish, with stiff fines and prison sentences, any questioning of the Holocaust Religion. Judges in State and Federal Courts are required to enforce these laws in the name of “public order” and protecting the feelings and “physical safety” of Holocaust believers.
ZEALOTS, burning with religious zeal for increasing the spiritual reach of the Holocaust, have run the gamut from such diverse types as French existentialist writer Albert Camus to billionaire Ronald Lauder (Estee’s son) to Abe Foxman of the ADL.
THE FAITHFUL are what no religion can do without—in this case, the followers, unquestioning believers and consumers of Holocaust propaganda.
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The religion of “the Holocaust” is a secular one … by Robert Faurisson
It belongs to the lay world; it is profane; in actuality, it has at its disposal the secular arm, that is a temporal authority with dreaded power. It has its dogma, its commandments, its decrees, its prophets and its high priests. As one revisionist has observed, it has its circle of saints, male and female, amongst whom, for example, Saint Anne (Frank), Saint Simon (Wiesenthal) and Saint Elie (Wiesel). It has its holy places, its rituals and its pilgrimages. It has its sacred (and macabre) buildings and its relics (in the form of cakes of soap, shoes, toothbrushes, …). It has its martyrs, its heroes, its miracles and its miraculous survivors (in the millions), its golden legend and its righteous ones. Auschwitz is its Golgotha. For it, God is called Yahweh, protector of his chosen people, who, as said in one of the psalms of David (number 120), recently invoked by a female public prosecutor, Anne de Fontette, during the trial in Paris of a French revisionist, punishes “lying lips” (by, incidentally, sending them the “sharp arrows of the mighty, with coals of juniper”). For this religion, Satan is called Hitler, condemned, like Jesus in the Talmud, to boil for eternity in excrement. It knows neither mercy, nor forgiveness, nor clemency but only the duty of vengeance. It amasses fortunes through blackmail and extortion and acquires unheard-of privileges. It dictates its law to the nations. Its heart beats in Jerusalem, at the Yad Vashem monument, in a land taken over from the natives; in the shelter of a 26-foot high wall built to protect a people who are the salt of the earth, the companions of the “Holocaust” faith rule over the goy with a system that is the purest expression of militarism, racism and colonialism.
A religion that embraces consumerism
These days the ideas of homeland, nationalism or race, as well as those of communism or even socialism, are in crisis or even on their way to extinction. Equally in crisis are the religions of the Western world, including the Jewish religion, and in their turn but in a less visible manner, so are the non-Western religions, themselves confronted by consumerism’s force of attraction; whatever one may think, the Moslem religion is no exception: the bazaar attracts bigger crowds than the mosque and, in certain oil-rich kingdoms, consumerism in its most outlandish forms poses an ever more insolent challenge to the rules for living laid down by Islam.

The Pope and an entourage of Cardinals make a pilgrimage to Auschwitz. The Catholic Church is fully in compliance with the “Holocaust religion” and tells its faithful it is a sin for a Catholic to “deny the Holocaust.”
Roman Catholicism, for its part, is stricken with anaemia: how many still believe in the virginity of Mary, the miracles of Jesus, the physical resurrection of the dead, everlasting life, in heaven, purgatory and hell? […] The Protestant religions and those akin to them are diluted, along with their doctrines, in an infinity of sects and variants. The Jewish religion sees its members, more and more reluctant to observe so many peculiar rules and prohibitions, deserting the synagogue and, in ever greater numbers, marrying outside the community.
But whereas Western beliefs or convictions have lost much of their substance, faith in “the Holocaust” has strengthened; it has ended up creating a link – a religion, according to standard etymology at any rate, is a link (religat religio) – that enables disparate sets of communities and nations to share a common faith. All in all, Christians and Jews today cooperate heartily in propagating the holocaustic faith. Even a fair number of agnostics or atheists can be seen lining up with enthusiasm under the “Holocaust” banner. “Auschwitz” is achieving the union of all.
The fact is that this new religion, born in the era where consumerism expanded so rapidly, bears all the hallmarks of consumerism. It has its vigour, cleverness and inventiveness. It exploits all the resources of marketing and communication. The vilest products of Shoah Business are but the secondary effects of a religion that, intrinsically, is itself a sheer fabrication. From a few scraps of a given historical reality, things that were, after all, commonplace in wartime (like the internment of a good part of the European Jews in ghettos or camps), its promoters have built a gigantic historical imposture: the imposture, all at once, of the alleged extermination of the Jews of Europe, of camps allegedly equipped with homicidal gas chambers and, finally, of an alleged six million Jewish victims.
A particularly mortal religion
The future trouble for the religion of “the Holocaust” lies in the fact that it is too secular. Here one may well think of the Papacy, which, in centuries past, drew its political and military strength from a temporal power that, in the final analysis, ended up causing its downfall. The new religion is hand in glove with, all together, the State of Israel, the United States, the European Union, NATO, Russia, the big banks (which, as in the case of the Swiss banks, it can force to knuckle under if they show unwillingness to pay out), international racketeering and the arms merchants’ lobbies. This being the case, who can guarantee it a solid base in the future? It has made itself vulnerable by endorsing, de facto, the policies of nations or groups with inordinate appetites, whose spirit of worldwide crusade, as may be particularly noted in the Near and Middle East, has become adventurist.
It has come to pass that religions disappear with the empires where they used to reign. This is because religions, like civilisations, are mortal. That of “the Holocaust” is doubly mortal: it spurs countries to go on warlike crusades and it is rushing to its doom. It will rush to its doom even if, in the last instance, the Jewish State vanishes from the land of Palestine. The Jews then dispersed throughout the world will have only one last resort, that of bewailing this “Second Holocaust”.
Excerpted from “The Secular Religion of ‘the Holocaust’ – a tainted product of consumer society“, April 7, 2008
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“Don’t You Dare Doubt Auschwitz!” by Germar Rudolf
Our society encourages doubting what authorities want to make us believe. After all, that’s part of being a responsible, critical citizen, right?
But should we also doubt the stories we are being told about Auschwitz?
Well, just don’t. Never doubt, never question, never dig deeper. This is the best way to stay out of trouble. Curiosity, after all, kills the cat.

Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany — a “cathedral of science” — must also bow to the “Holocaust” religion.
To prove this, let’s go back in time almost 20 years. On June 7, 1993, the administration of the prestigious Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany, one of the pinnacles of German science, issued an internal memorandum informing its employees that a doctoral candidate there had been dismissed because of private research he had done on Auschwitz. Told you so, didn’t I? In this memorandum one could read, i.a.:
“In light of the terrible genocide committed by the rulers of the Third Reich, we consider current investigations about the exact procedure of the murders just as reprehensible as speculations about the number of those murdered.”
That’s the normal reaction, because it is the politically correct reaction. But wait a minute! Here, one of the world’s leading scientific research institutes stated to its personnel that it is reprehensible and a cause for dismissal, if they ever dare to determine accurate quantities and lines of events. But isn’t this institute’s only right to exist the fact that its scientists determine precise numbers and specific lines of events? Isn’t that what science is all about?
So why would anyone oppose examinations into what transpired at Auschwitz during the war years? If I say I want to examine something, it implies that I have unanswered questions or doubts about answers given by others. But are we allowed to doubt when it comes to Auschwitz? Where do we draw the line? Is Auschwitz a taboo subject we need to leave untouched, undoubted?
The answer to that is not all that simple, because it depends. On the one hand, Auschwitz has been the subject of examination many times. Hence there have always been unanswered questions and doubts leading to examinations. And their results did not usually lead to ridiculous reaction like the one described above. Here are six examples:
- In 1945-46, Polish professor for engineering Dr. Roman Dawidowski scoured the Auschwitz camp administration’s files and extant material evidence. He was searching for evidence confirming the existence of homicidal gas chambers. The results were submitted during the trial against former camp commander Rudolf Höß. Since the report confirmed the existence of homicidal gas chambers, said Polish professor didn’t get in trouble.
- At the same time, a team of forensic scientists tried to find traces of the poison allegedly used for mass murder at that camp. Since they confirmed in their report that traces of it can indeed be found, those experts fared well.
- In 1966 the Polish Auschwitz State Museum had a Polish company take core samples from the soil at the former Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. They were probably looking for evidence of mass graves and cremation pits. The few results that were made public due to an indiscretion indicate that the museum might not have found what they were looking for. At any rate, the results haven’t been made publicly accessible to this day. The museum authorities locked them away so that nobody could get in trouble.
- In 1972 an Austrian court of law asked an architect to determine whether the buildings at Auschwitz really contained homicidal gas chambers. Based on original blueprints the architect concluded that these buildings could not have been used for homicidal purposes. The report was never made public, though, so the architect remained unmolested. But when he finally spoke out, he did so only under the veil of anonymity.
- Between 1991 and 1994, the Auschwitz State Museum had a team of Polish forensic experts look once more and more thoroughly for traces of the poison allegedly used. Since their report concluded that such traces can indeed be found in the expected amount, these researchers didn’t get in trouble either.
- In 1999, Dutch professor for cultural history Dr. Robert van Pelt prepared an expert report on a broad variety of aspects of the claimed Auschwitz mass murder. He was asked to prove that it took place, and so he did. It gave his career an enormous boost.
Asking questions about Auschwitz is therefore perfectly fine.
As long as you give the expected answers.
And if your answers deviate from what is expected, make sure nobody finds out!
Because if they become public, you’re in for a rough treatment!
To prove that, let’s look at the two most prominent cases where results of forensic examinations got those conducting them into hot water:
- In 1988, U.S. expert for execution technology Fred A. Leuchter wrote a report on his forensic findings about Auschwitz, among other things. His conclusion was that there weren’t any, cannot have been any, homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz. It was submitted as evidence in a court of law, but after the report had been made public, Leuchter became the victim of a vicious campaign that ruined his professional career.
- Just a few years later, young German scientist Germar Rudolf followed in Leuchter’s footsteps. In late 1990 he started a thorough investigation of many chemical, engineering and architectural aspects of the Auschwitz mass murder claims. His conclusions were the same as those by Leuchter. When his expert report was published in 1993, he lost his job (the above Max Planck Institute case), had his final PhD exam denied, lost his home twice, and was prosecuted and sentenced twice to a total of 44 months in prison.
One of the most important tenets of science is that the results of any research must be open-ended. There are no foregone conclusions.
But that’s not the case when it comes to Auschwitz.
If a researcher doesn’t come to the expected foregone conclusions, he will be subject to massive societal persecution and in many countries even to penal prosecution.
Under these circumstances, any research about Auschwitz that comes to the expected, foregone conclusions – the confirmation of the reigning dogma – must be treated with suspicion. It is probably not more than a bootlicker’s building block to a sycophantic career.
For more details see:
- G. Rudolf, “A Brief History of Forensic Examinations of Auschwitz,” The Journal of Historical Review, vol. 20, no. 2 (March/April 2001), pp. 3-16
- Walter Lüftl, “A Somewhat Different Auschwitz Trial, Contractors of Auschwitz Tried in Vienna,” The Revisionist 2(3) (2004), pp. 294f.
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Pressac violated scientific principles … his book does not prove claims.
With two major works on the Auschwitz concentration camp, French pharmacist Jean-Claude Pressac attempted to refute revisionists with their own technical methods. Whereas his first work remained rather obscure, Pressac’s second book on “The Technique of Mass Murder” was praised by the mainstream in Europe, who proclaimed victory over the revisionists. They did not reckon with the revisionists’ rebuttal.
In Auschwitz: Plain Facts, Pressac’s works are subjected to a detailed and devastating critique by leading revisionist scholars. Although Pressac deserves credit for having made accessible many hitherto unknown documents, his writings could not refute the revisionists because Pressac violated many scientific principles: He made claims that he either could not prove or which contradict the facts. Many documents he quoted do not state what he claimed they do. Most importantly, he did not pay any attention to “the technique” of the mass murder at issue, as his books claim. They neither contain references to technical or scientific literature, nor any technical consideration at all. In fact, he reveals such a massive technical incompetence that his works belong to the category of novels rather than history. Despite these deficiencies, Pressac is still hailed as the savior of the Auschwitz-Holocaust by the mainstream.
See Auschwitz: Plain Facts, a response to Jean-Claude Pressac, edited by Germar Rudolf